Teeth Whitening Toothpaste - Is it Effective?

Like most people, you may dream of having a dazzling white celebrity smile. There are hundreds of products and methods to whiten your teeth, and some can give better results than others. Teeth whitening treatment can also differ greatly in cost. A laser whitening treatment can cost several hundred dollars but gives immediate and guaranteed results. On the other hand, using a teeth whitening toothpaste is the slowest method but is definitely the cheapest.
Teeth can become stained by food, coffee, tea or tobacco. Brushing with regular toothpaste twice a day in combination with regular dental cleaning can help keep your teeth white without enamel loss. It is also advisable to rinse out your mouth after a drink of red wine or dark beverages to prevent staining.
With teeth whitening toothpaste, you may have to use the product twice a day for up to six months before you see the final whitening result. Toothpaste for whitening teeth works by removing stains from the teeth, making them appear whiter. To get fast results, most people opt for a home teeth whitening kit or dental treatment and then use whitening toothpaste to maintain their white teeth.
The effectiveness of toothpaste that whitens depends on how often and how long you brush your teeth. However, dental health professionals warn against over-brushing because this can cause the loss of tooth enamel. Enamel may weaken to the point where plaque and bacteria will damage the teeth. In addition, individuals with sensitive teeth may not be able to use whitening toothpaste.
Teeth whitening toothpaste contains a whitening agent such as carbamide peroxide or sodium tripolyphosphate. It also contains an abrasive agent such as silica which does most of the work in removing stains and whitening the teeth. The abrasive agent is mainly responsible for the faster result you see with whitening toothpaste. Although the toothpaste contains whitening agents, the concentration is low and the bleach does not come in contact with your teeth long enough to do its work.
Like regular toothpaste, teeth whitening toothpaste contains fluoride to help reduce dental caries. Some brands of toothpaste also contain potassium nitrate for dental hypersensitivity. Triclosan or stannous fluoride may also be added to reduce gingival inflammation. Additional ingredients include pyrophosphates or zinc citrate to stop the buildup of tartar.
Before you start using teeth whitening toothpaste or any other whitening product, your dentist should make a thorough examination of your teeth and gums. Make sure they are healthy and always follow your dentist's advice.

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