No matter what happens, teeth are something that need to be taken care of; they are a vital part of one's body. The problem is, teeth are prone to a number of problems. Not only for normal people, even celebrities who have access to the best care in the world are always wary of their teeth. Whether in terms of beauty or just for health, teeth need to be taken care of.
There are, however, a number of things that can go wrong with a person's teeth. It could be something like yellowing of teeth, or plaque. Otherwise, it could be that the teeth have grown out of alignment, or the pulp of a particular tooth may be infected. No matter what the ailment, the person to visit is a dentist.
These days, there are dentists who are using their widely gained knowledge in order to provide treatment that preserves the natural look of the teeth as much as possible. They are known as cosmetic dentists, but they are not recognized by any dental regulatory body as being different from regular dentists. That being said, they do have a different approach to dentistry.
Take the example of teeth that have grown out of alignment. Regular dentists will ask the patient to wear teeth braces. There can be no doubt about how effective they are, but the steel wires and brackets cause a lot of discomfort, not to mention diffidence to the wearer. Cosmetic dentists instead have devised a set of plastic aligners, known as Invisalign. These clear aligners are as effective as braces, and they are much less conspicuous!
Then there are yellow teeth. Owing to smoking, drinking tea, coffee, dark sodas and a multitude of other reasons, teeth become yellow over a period of time. This can be cured quite easily by a bleaching process, carried out by a cosmetic dentist. There is one process that you can get done in the dentist's clinic itself. If you are discomfited by that for any reason, you can get a bleaching done in the comfort of your home, but with supervision.
Sometimes, because of too much sugar in your diet, your tooth can get infected. This leads to the pulp becoming useless, and it leads to a lot of pain. In such cases, a surgery known as root canal needs to be performed, which involves removing the sensitive pulp from the root canal (a hollow portion within the root of your tooth, where the pulp is), and then cleaning the infected area. After this, the hollow portion is sealed with a filling to restore functionality to the tooth.
Sometimes with age, teeth get weak because of weakening gums. In such cases, traditional dentists prescribe dentures. The problem with dentures is that chewing is a little difficult. Cosmetic dentists instead use dental implants, which will be attached to the gums and will function like a natural tooth is supposed to. Besides, implants are made of material that is friendly to the bone, and so it will fuse with the teeth over time.
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